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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements have been revised to include foreign-owned businesses onlyPlease click here for additional information

Certifications by Commissioned South Carolina Notaries Public

  • Documents that are signed by individuals who are not elected or appointed officials and whose signatures are not on file with the Secretary of State’s Office MUST be notarized by a commissioned South Carolina Notary Public.
  • School transcripts, report cards or letters MUST be signed by a school official and the official’s signature MUST be notarized.
    • Record checks from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), local sheriffs or police departments MUST be signed by an official from that office and his/her signature MUST be notarized. The Secretary of State’s Office cannot authenticate a records check obtained from the Internet.
  • Notarized documents MUST include a complete notarial certificate, including the facts attested to by the notary. (For example, "sworn and subscribed before me on this ____ day of ____, 20__.")