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March 2025 Update on the Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act - Beneficial Ownership Information

Secretary of State Offers Free Notary Public Seminars Across South Carolina

Mon, 06/04/2018

(COLUMBIA, SC) — Secretary of State Mark Hammond is offering six free regional notary public seminars this summer and fall for all South Carolina notaries and those interested in becoming a notary. 

The full text of the notary law can be found here.

Notaries public holds an important position of responsibility. Once commissioned as a notary public, it is the responsibility of the notary to maintain a level of training necessary to perform the duties of the position as required by law. These seminars will address state laws governing the duties and responsibilities of notaries. Also, the seminars will provide information about how notaries can avoid pitfalls related to the unauthorized practice of law.

Notaries Are Not Required To Attend A Seminar. Attendees are welcome to register for and attend any notary seminar convenient to them regardless of their county of residence or the location of the seminar.  If you are unable to attend a seminar in person, please take advantage of our webinar.

Doors will open at 5:30 pm on the day of the seminar; the seminar will begin promptly at 6:00 pm; the seminar will conclude by 7:30 pm.

Charleston County
Trident Technical College, Main Campus
Bldg. 920 7000 Rivers Avenue
College Center, Charleston
Register Here

Florence/ Darlington Counties                                                                   
Tuesday, September 25, 2018, Tuesday, October 9, 2018 
Florence/Darlington Technical College                                                       
Fore Auditorium, Bldg. 400                                                                         
2715 West Lucas Street, Florence                                                             
Register Here         

Greenville County                                                                                      
Tuesday, October 16, 2018, Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Greenville Technical College                                                                     
TRC Building, 102 Auditorium (PDF)                                                       
506 S. Pleasantburg Dr., Greenville                                                        
Register Here         

Lexington County                                                                                        
Tuesday, August 28, 2018, Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Midlands Technical College, Airport Campus                                           
Academic Center Auditorium (PDF)                                                           
1260 Lexington Dr. at Traffic Circle, West Columbia                                  
Register Here                                                                                                                                                                  

Newberry County      
Piedmont Tech. College, Newberry Campus
Conference Center
1922 Wilson Road, Newberry
Register Here

York County
Rock Hill Parks, Recreation & Tourism
Manchester Meadows Soccer Pavilion, 2nd Floor
337 East Mount Gallant Road, Rock Hill 
Register Here

Contact: Renee S. Daggerhart