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March 2025 Update on the Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act - Beneficial Ownership Information

Comporium Incorporated Recognized as a Centennial Business

Secretary Hammond honors Comporium Incorporated
Wed, 05/17/2017

Secretary Hammond honors domestic businesses that have been on file with the Office 100+ years.

(ROCK HILL, SC) -- Today Secretary of State Mark Hammond officially recognized Comporium Incorporated as a South Carolina Centennial Business. This honor is reserved for domestic business entities that have been on file with the Secretary of State’s Office for 100 years or more.

Secretary Hammond honored Comporium at its headquarters in Rock Hill, South Carolina. “Large enough to offer cutting edge technology, but small enough to offer superior customer service, Comporium strives to fulfill its mission of making each customer’s life easier,” said Secretary Hammond.

“The promise to be good stewards and involved corporate citizens in the communities in which we operate is something Comporium takes very seriously,” said Bryant Barnes, President, and CEO of Comporium Inc. “Through economic development efforts, reinvesting a portion of our profits, and providing quality services, we hope to improve the quality of life in each of the communities that we serve. We believe that when the community is healthy and growing, everyone has the opportunity to prosper.”

Comporium was incorporated in December 1894 as the Rock Hill Telephone Company. In its first year of business, Comporium installed 27 telephone lines. Since that time, Comporium has grown and evolved to offer a diverse and technologically rich suite of business products, and now serves as one of the largest telecom providers in the nation. Comporium supports businesses with innovative solutions that include voice, Internet, data, wireless, structured wiring and cabling, security, monitoring, automation, computer network service, and digital video.

Secretary Hammond is recognizing Centennial Businesses for their continued impact on South Carolina’s economy. “These businesses have provided jobs, security and futures in what was, at one time, small towns,” said Secretary Hammond. “Through their excellent management and innovation, they have stood the test of time. I am proud to recognize Comporium Inc. for its continued presence in our great state.”

Secretary Hammond will continue to publicly recognize Centennial Businesses located throughout the state and honor their contributions to South Carolina’s growing economy. 

Contact: Renee S. Daggerhart
(803) 734-0629