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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

March 2025 Update on the Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act - Beneficial Ownership Information

SCAM ALERT: Miracle House of Hope Ministries Illegally Soliciting in South Carolina

Thu, 02/24/2022

(COLUMBIA) -- Today Secretary of State Mark Hammond issued a warning for South Carolina residents about Miracle House of Hope Ministries, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based organization that purports to help homeless drug addicts.  “Despite being banned from soliciting in South Carolina, Miracle House of Hope Ministries continues to send solicitors into our state to exploit our generosity,” said Secretary Hammond.  “I implore all South Carolinians to be wary of this organization and to donate instead to charities that comply with South Carolina laws requiring financial transparency.”

In March 2019, Miracle House of Hope Ministries was enjoined from soliciting contributions in South Carolina by order of the South Carolina Administrative Law Court, after failing to register as a charity and file annual financial reports as required under the Solicitation of Charitable Funds Act.  In November 2019, the Administrative Law Court held Miracle House of Hope Ministries in contempt of court for repeatedly violating the injunction, and issued a bench warrant for the arrest of its chief executive officer, Bruce Little.  Presently, Miracle House of Hope Ministries owes $12,000 in civil fines to the Secretary of State’s Office.

On February 23, 2022, the Secretary of State’s Office received several complaints that Miracle House of Hope Ministries was soliciting in Richland and Lexington counties.  Miracle House of Hope solicitors collect cash donations by approaching motorists at busy traffic intersections and handing out flyers.  Because Miracle House of Hope Ministries refuses to file financial reports, it is unknown where the cash donations go or how they are used.

“Unfortunately, this organization has run afoul of South Carolina law for years by continuing to send panhandlers across the border,” said Secretary Hammond.  “If you are approached by a representative of Miracle House of Hope Ministries, first and foremost—do not give them money.  Secondly, contact your local law enforcement agency to let them know that Miracle House of Hope is illegally soliciting in the area.  You can also file a complaint with our office online at, or by calling 1-888-CHARITI (242-7484).  Finally, let your friends and family know to be wary of this illicit organization.”

